Thursday, November 18, 2010

HoRRiBLe LuCk!!

I have had some horrible luck with Class 3 requirements at Weber. I've been able to get some quads at the VA but when I'm at school the patients never come back after the OD appt. My first Class 3 patient here hadn't ever had a cleaning and she was 37. I basically did a gross debridement the first appointment because there was so much deposit EVERYWHERE!! I planned on bringing her back to finish this semester, and I even re-arranged my schedule to fit her in, but she isn't going to come back until January. ARGH!! And then my next patient who was a Class 3 was 2 hours late to her first appointment so I was only able to do the radiographs and OD. She was scheduled to come back today, and even confirmed her appointment last night, but she didn't show up, and when Mr. Solomon called she was at work. WTH?? So I'm really hoping she is able to come on December 2nd or else I won't finish my Class 3 exam requirements, and that is really stressing me out!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kids and Nitrous

I had two 1A's this morning and they went really smooth. One of the girls needed sealants on all of the first molars so I was able to pass off my sealant PE. I feel like I have really improved since last year with this skill. I was able to keep the teeth dry and it made it so much easier and faster for both myself and my patient. I was also able to do my nitrous PE with my afternoon patient and it worked out great. The only problem is working around the mask and hoses.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This post is really delayed, but we finally started doing injections. We started with 4 maxillary injections, the next week we did 3 mandibular injections and then the 3rd week we did all 7!! It was so much give the shots. I was very numb the first week and I chewed part of my lip up from eating lunch.
Professor Alexander showing us how it's supposed to be done
Getting ready to poke Brooke
Giving the injection
Prof. Alexander assisting me so I got the right spot