Monday, November 30, 2009
Last Day of Clinic!!!
I can't believe today was our last day in Clinic for the semester!!! It went by so fast, but now I'm especially nervous for next semester to find all my patients. Today we took a quiz on our Clinic Manual which I did pretty good at for not studying. It was open book so I couldn't have done that bad anyway. We also went over the CA duties, Emergency Protocols, and we FINALLY finished all of our PE's. YAY!! Now I just have to worry about finals and then I can relax for the Christmas break :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
First REAL Patient
Cameron came into the clinic today and he had a very special treatment :) He was my little gineau pig so I had to be very nice to him. I thought things went pretty smooth until the end. I did the Extra/Intra, OD, OHI, 4 BWX and scaled 2 quads in a good amount of time. But then when it came to all the charting it took forever!! Overall, I was pretty happy with the experience, but now I'm extra nervous for my patients in the Spring because of all the work involved in one single appointment.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Finishing an Appt
Today in clinic we did the second half of our patient. I got to scale 2 quads and then do a full mouth polish. I also got to pass off my sealant PE and then practice a few of them. I did 4 total and it was really practice for me! I thought today went really smooth, and I'm pretty excited to see my first real patient next Monday!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Being the Patient
Today I was a patient the entire clinic. I found out that is it very hard to sit in the dental chair for 4 hours, although it was very relaxing. Megan did AMAZING!! I also got to pass off my instrument sharpenging PE. YAY!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
First Mock Patient Today
Today Megan J (I'm not even gonna attempt to spell her last name) was my patient. I thought it went pretty good until the charting part. What a disaster!! I really enjoyed probing and I got it done really quick, so I was pretty happy about that. I liked the hand scaling too, but the ultrasonic scaler was a bit harder. I even got to get a TINY piece of calculus off and that was pretty exciting. I'm not as nervous for my first patient now...especially since it's my husband.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ready for a real patient?? NO!!!!
We are starting our mock patient treatment on Monday...YIKES!!! I feel as good as can be expected considering we haven't had a ton of practice doing all the different things. I really enjoy probing which is strange, but the scaling still intimidates me a little. I just don't feel tough enough to pull the calculus off. Guess I better start working out my finger, wrist and arm muscles! We only have 6 more clinic days this semester and I can't believe how fast it has gone by.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sealants and Fluoride
We placed sealants and applied fluoride today in Clinic. Me and Brooke got to be together finally so that was fun! Sealants are actually pretty easy to do on adults....but kids are way to slobbery and it takes a lot more practice!! We have now learned how to apply all 3 types of fluoride. The gel and foam are put into a tray that goes in your mouth for 4 minutes.
The varnish is lightly brushed on all surfaces of the teeth and you aren't supposed to brush it off for at least 6 hours. All the ones I have tried taste pretty good, but my favorite is the varnish because you can eat and drink immediately after. Wednesday is our last practice day in Clinic before we do our mock patient exams. SCARY!! Wish me luck...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Want me to sandblast your mouth?!
Today we did the Air-Powder Polish, Selective Polish and Fluoride Treatment. The air-poweder polishing feels like you're being's not so bad on your teeth, but on the gums...OUCH!! I don't think I'll be doing that on my patients unless it's an absolute neccessity. We also passed off our Dental Screening PE and that wasn't as bad as everyone else made it out to be. I'm just glad this day is over.....if it wasn't for that dang varnish on my teeth I'd be a happy hygiene-er!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Is It Nap Time?!
We learned how to use the Ultrasonic Scaler today and it was a little scary. You could do some serious damage if you use it incorrectly. I almost drowned today while I was the patient! There is so much water flow involved and the Blue Boa just didn't do the trick. I got to relax in the chair for a bit while we were waiting for the instructor to come over, and then by the time it was my turn we only had 15 minutes left so I just studied for the PE. I guess I'll practice with the Ultrasonic a different day.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We had a catch up day again....and this time I actually feel like I got something accomplished. I passed off the Intra-Oral Camera PE and that was pretty fun. The rest of the time we did some charting, probed, and then practiced scaling. Our Universal Intrumentation was due today and I passed it off, but that doesn't mean I'm any good at it. I'm still a bit nervous to go subgingivally so Prof. Costley said my goal for next time is to get under the gums. I guess I'm a wuss, cause one of the other instructors told me I need to get brave and just do it. AUGH!! My poor Monday patient :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
So much for getting caught up.....
Today we learned how to use the intra-oral camera. It was so fun to see things that close up!! The rest of the time we were supposed to be practicing and getting caught much for that! I didn't pass off any PE's so I guess I'll focus on doing that Wednesday. Not a very productive day for me!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How many fillings do you have?!?
We did dental screenings today and learned how to chart. I found out that I have fillings on 11 of my teeth...all but two of them are occlusal...which makes total sense because I eat candy all day long. I got to pass off my Eaglesoft treatment plan and Instrument Classification PE's today, so now I am all caught up again. YAY!! I got done so early today so I've just been hanging out waiting for pod wrap...and it's that time I'm outta here!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Disclosing Agents
Today in Clinic we got to put a disclosing agent on our
partner's teeth and check their PFI %. It was pretty
funny to see each other with purple mouths!!
My PFI% was pretty low, which ISN'T good!! I guess I
shouldn't have had breakfast before class since I didn't
get to brush and floss after. Oh least my partner
got a lot of practice with scaling :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Today I passed off my Probing and Exploring PE's. It still makes me really nervous to go subgingivally, but I guess getting over that fear will come with time. We learned how to scale on the posterior teeth today and that was pretty fun. Oh, and we learned how to do a patient treatment plan on Eaglesoft. Pretty easy stuff!! This school week is now officially more than halfway over......YIPEE!!!!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
That title is supposed to make is sound scary :)
Today we learned how to scale supragingivally on the anterior teeth. It was so exciting. I actually liked this a lot more than the probe and explorer. It makes me nervous to go under the gums. I was JOKING that I should just be an assistant since they might get to do the supragingival scaling in the future. And we got to pair up with someone from a different pod so I got to be with Kirsten for the first time, and that was pretty fun. I have to pass off my Probing and Explorer PE Wednesday so I hope my partner is brave......
Today we learned how to scale supragingivally on the anterior teeth. It was so exciting. I actually liked this a lot more than the probe and explorer. It makes me nervous to go under the gums. I was JOKING that I should just be an assistant since they might get to do the supragingival scaling in the future. And we got to pair up with someone from a different pod so I got to be with Kirsten for the first time, and that was pretty fun. I have to pass off my Probing and Explorer PE Wednesday so I hope my partner is brave......
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Talk about an easy day....other than the stress of passing off our intra-oral PE. I didn't feel very prepared for this one, but after some studying and a little help from Linda, I did a pretty good job on it. The only problem was that I had a major headache and it was very hard for me to concentrate and keep my eyes open. We also went through all our instruments are learned a little about each one, and then we got to put them all in the bin to be sterilized. I don't have the energy to do any more PE's today, so I guess next time I will focus on passing off the probing and explorer PE's.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Explorers are dangerous....

Today we learned how to properly use the explorer to check for calculus. It was a little scary to go under the gums using this pointy tool...but it was a lot easier to insert than the probe. I didn't get to pass off any PE's today but I plan on studying the intra-oral exam to pass it off on Wednesday. Our pod instructers rotated today and we now have Prof. Costley. I was really nervous to have her with our group, but she was very helpful to all of us and I'm very glad we have her for the next few weeks.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Probing = Pain!!
Thursday in Clinic we got to probe each other. Me and Emily were partners and she did a really good job when she probed me....but I made her bleed quite a few times. I've decided that I don't like probing, and it's gonna take a lot of getting used to. The perk of the day was that I got to pass off 3 PE's and that was a huge relief. Now I feel like I'm all caught up again.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yesterday in Clinic we learned about doing intra-oral exams and using a fulcrum with our instruments. The intra-oral exam sure has a lot to it and it's gonna take a while to remember the names of everything. The fulcrums weren't too bad. It seems really confusing when you are trying to just memorize it, but once you're actually doing it it comes pretty natural. I didn't get to pass off any PE's today, but my goal is to pass off 2 of them tomorrow. I've been studying for the extra-oral exam PE.....and my family has really appreciated that :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Two more down!!
I was able to pass off my vital signs PE and the health history PE today. We finally got to look in each others mouths and practice using our mirror with a fulcrum. It was pretty easy and good to get going on some of this stuff. We have the best TA right now, and she'll be moving to another pod on Monday so I'm pretty sad about that....but we do get her back in November!! : )
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Health Histories are so LONG!!
Monday in clinic we did a review of health histories and practiced doing one.....although I think the made up person had like every health problem imaginable!! Oh well, it was good practice!!! I also got to pass off my positioning PE, which was a lot easier to remember than I thought it was going to be. Only one more clinic this week, a review and one test and then we're off to Park City!! YAHOO!!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
This one is for Kirsten!!!
Only 1 Clinic This Week!!
Today in Clinic we reviewed health histories. I was pretty confused about these before today, but now I feel pretty good about them. We got a lot of practice doing them so hopefully we all feel comfortable with it when we actually have a patient in front of us. Although I have a feeling that we'll be having a lot more practice in the near future.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Flying through the PE's
It seems as if our group is flying right throught the PE's.....which is AWESOME!!! Today in clinic we learned how to do a health history and sit in the different clock positions while working on a patient. I passed off my Exposure Control Set-Up and Post-Appointment PE today. It feels so good to pass off two PE's in one day and not have to worry about those with all the other material we need to be studying.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Basic Learning for Clinic
Today in Clinic we learned how to properly set-up our operatory and then take everything down after patient treatment. My goal today was to pass of my Personal Protective Equipment PE, which I did. We also learned how to change the vacuum trap and run the lines every afternoon we are in Clinic. I felt that this day was pretty productive, considering we learned the basics that we will be doing every time we come to the Clinic.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I made it through my first week of classes....but I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I've got a couple classes figured out (as far as what is expected each week), but I am so lost when it comes to Clinic and Hygiene 1. Supposedly Blackboard is up and running, but the powerpoints for class still aren't up, and I can't find anything that says what we need to have prepared for Clinic each day. I hope I can get things together this week!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I am starving!!! We have been at orientation all morning, and now we are setting up our blogs so we can journal during the program. Hopefully we will get a lunch break soon!!
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